****EFFECTIVE 01/01/2024****
It is not necessary to rent the ball field or pavilion as it’s on a first come first serve basis. However, if you would like to assure the availability for a specific date/time, it can be reserved for the following rates:
Ball Field and Park Pavilion Rentals
Ball field
- Team (3-5 months) $500.00
- Day Rental $ 50.00
- w/concession stand $ 75.00
- w/lights $ 100.00
- w/concession stand & lights $ 125.00
- 4 hr. Rental $ 25.00
- w/lights $ 75.00
- Day $ 25.00
- ½ day (8 AM -2 PM) or (2 – 8 PM) $ 12.50
Contact the Spring Township office to make reservations: 570-658-7234